
Begonia ‘Pink African Violet’ Online now


Begonia ‘Pink African Violet’

Begonia ‘Pink African Violet’ is a cultivar hybridized by Leslie Woodriff of Mc Kinleyville, California. Leslie wanted to create a begonia that would rival the African Violet as a house plant. He did create one that looks like an African Violet. He named it ‘Pink African Violet’. The glossy green leaves grow in a rosette and the flowers are produced in the crown. This plant stays low and compact and makes a very nice terrarium subject. This is really an unusual begonia.

Care of Begonia ‘Pink African Violet’:
Shade to partial shade, temp. 45 to 85 degrees, 4 to 6 ins. tall, allow getting slightly dry between watering

Family: Begoniacea

This plant is shipped in a 3 – 4 inch pot.

Begonia 'Pink African Violet'
Begonia 'Pink African Violet'
Begonia 'Pink African Violet'